Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break...

Monday day 1: UNPRODUCTIVE
Tuesday day 2: UNPRODUCTIVE

It seems that I have a BAD case of the I DON'T WANT TO's......

Wednesday day 3: Hannah, mom and I went over to Tyler for a day of shopping! Thank you mom! I had a great day, I always enjoy talking, laughing and "people watching" with you :)

Thursday Day 4: Not feeling like too much will go cleaning, laundry...the usual. I really have a long to do list, but.... I DON'T WANNA!!!

Friday Day 5: Much of the same listed above in days 1,2,and 4, I will let you know if anything changes :)

I have to laugh at my unproductive LAZY week because any who knows me well...knows that I NEVER slow down! I am usually going from can to can't...not so much this week! It has certainly been a "break" from my usual...hmmmm, I'm beginning to think I might be enjoying "slowing down."

I have had a "heavy heart" about alot of things lately and I am REALLY trying to hear the voice of God and maybe this week will be exactly what I need in order to that very thing.

Dear God,
I am asking you to reveal yourself to me in ways that you have never, and in ways that I have never experienced before. Please move mountains in my heart that are keeping me from seeing your glory. I am asking you God to enter the realms of my home and do miracles in my life and in the life of my sweet family that you have so graciously blessed me with, through salvation, finances and hardned hearts. God, you already know the "needs" and have already met me there, Thank you Jesus. Amen!



  1. The only way to hear Jesus is to be still. A difficult thing when you are a mom on the go. But I do believe He knew what He was up to when He decided to not run along side us, He won't join the rat race. We have to find that quiet time to hear Him. Said a prayer for you this morning in church. Read this post earlier but didn't have time to comment, LOL.. see what I mean.

    I week of doing nothing sounds perfect!!!
